Thursday, June 21, 2007

Next year

Wow! This is incredible, but I'm actually starting to get excited about the next school year. Just a few weeks ago, I was physically worn-out, emotionally drained, and didn't even want to think about school starting back up again. It's amazing what a few weeks of rest will do. I'm not quite ready for school to start, but when it does, I'll be ready. That's more than I could say two weeks ago.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Seniors and Graduation

It's a little hard to believe that it's already been a week since graduation. That was a bitter-sweet evening for me. I was glad to have another successful year wrapped, and I was especially proud of the Varsity Choir's performance that night, but I always getting more than a little sad to see the seniors graduate and leave us. They provided strong leadership this year by their devotion and hard work. They will surely be missed. Fortunately, we'll have one more chance to have them sing with us at the convocation to start the new school year. The choir, band, and orchestras from Lake View and Central will join together to perform for all the district employees on August 16th at ASU's Junell Center, and for this first time, choir alumni will be invited to perform with us. (More information on that performance will be given later here on this blog.) So, hopefully, we'll see you again soon, Seniors...I mean, graduates!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Summer fun!

Not usually my idea of summer fun, but here I sit in a staff development session learning how to be a better teacher! Actually, as staff development goes, this is probably the best one I've been to in a long time because it's technology related. I love technology. (I know--I sound like Kip on Napoleon Dynamite!) Now I can use my new found knowledge to keep everyone up-to-date on Lake View Choir happenings throughout the year. So check back regularly. And let me know how your summer is going.