Saturday, August 9, 2008

Spring trip 08, part 2 of 4

Kansas Calhoun shares her memories of our last spring trip to Houston.


Well we didn't have too much of it...I wish I could say that due to the fact that we left town so early that everyone on our bus was completely knocked out was true, but unfortunately it's not... hardly anyone way sleepin... there was just so much talkin to do.. and so much eatin that need to go on...(haha). So on the way to Houston all in between and on the way back the titled "CHOIR BUS" did not sleep...well at least no more than 2 hours or so...

Now when it comes to bedtime in our rooms lets just say that was scarce to come by also... The first night we arrived at the hotel we were immediately addressed by our sponsors that the hotel had no water until 5 o'clock the next morning. As much as we all wanted to believe that our sponsors were lying we had to face the hard truth that they were actually tellin the truth... So off to our rooms we went... with absolutely no possible chance to take a shower and wash away all the sweat, dirt and BO. It was so disgusting cause we had been up for about 24 hours being active and having fun sweatin our lives out and then to find out NO SHOWER.. well that was like the worst possible deal ever... But not only was our showering effected... so was our water usage.... We couldn't get water out of the fountains if we were thirsty.. we couldn't brush our teeth and fight the on coming cavities.... heck worst of alllllllllll.........we couldn't use the toilet...well cause it wouldn't yeah this whole first night at the hotel was a nightmare... But I can say it was incredibly fun to watch what some of the students were doing in order to make up for not having water..... like getting ice from the machine to let melt so we could have water to flush the toilet... of use soda to brush their teeth... it was quite interesting just watchin them panic.... blah blah blah... so anyways back to the sleep issue. So as you can tell their was hardly any sleep the first eventful night but that changed slightly over the next 2 as we were offered more time to sleep, but had to choose if we would use it or not...!!! I don't know for sure about the other rooms but I do know that my room repeatedly keep getting in trouble for not going to bed.... so yeah... sleep was the last thing we did on this trip..!!!


So as a group we went to the ever so popular Hard Rock Cafe... that was fun because it was a relaxed joint and it was inside.. There was plenty of room for everyone to sit... well except for the fact that my table seemed to have about 4 too many people crowded into it.... and that's too many when at this point in our day all we wanted to do was relax and eat.... So anyways we also went to Joe's Crab Shack... which turned out to be a first time experience for a lot of individuals... The food was amazing... everyone received huge portions that were impossible to finish and for those who did finish well they were the one's to pick off of the leftovers of the girls... hehe... What was fun about Joe's is they turned up the music and tons of students stood up on a platform and did the Macarena... yeah embarrassing but fun... We ate other places.. I just don't remember where exactly.. but I'm sure it was good food.. ha!!!!!