Monday, August 11, 2008

Spring trip 08, part 4 of 4

The final post of Kansas' trip down memory lane.


Usually Spring Trip is the chance to get away from the stress of school and the ways of the world and just go off somewhere and do so many things you wouldn't normally do. The competition side of it all is usually also part of the blow off... but this year it felt a little different.. It felt like it truly meant something. My pride in Choir and my passion to sing and everything it takes to be successful was on the line. It seemed as though my nerves were going to take over my body and make me enable to perform... but I along with many other members calmed them down... and decided to lay everything on the line and just sing like we knew how....!!! And from the results it shows that we "KNEW HOW". We did such an amazing job at delivering the passion that was required of each performance. I have never felt so musical in my life... I believe that there on that stage in Houston, Texas was where we showed that not only did we deserve to be on this trip to relax... but we deserved to represent Lake View High School and the Choir Program itself. We really stood out among the other choirs... Not only did the LV Choir take home 1st place trophies, but every since performing arts group on the trip took home glorious trophies..... we all worked our keesters off and it showed.... So upon receiving our awards we really were able to take the time and appreciate what we had done, appreciate our efforts, appreciate our directors, and appreciate our God given abilities to be musicians.


So... if you ask me or another Senior who went on this trip I'm sure you will come across the same answer as to whether or not this trip was worth all the time, money and hard work we had put forth.. well the answer is of course... it was an amazing trip... and wouldn't have missed it for the world... we really behaved professionally in public and even when it seemed as though no one was watching. Everyone performed as if there was no tomorrow... (which did come) and we all bonded in ways that are unexplainable... SPRING TRIP 2008 to HOUSTON was the best one Yet!!!

So as the Seniors took their final walk across the stage in late May they left behind something great... a whole performing arts group with talent that is noticeable to all... Although this past years group was really spectacular and can never be replaced.... they have planted a seed that will continue to grow and therefore will make Lake View continue to be a recognized, tradition making and blessed school.

Senior 2008

Kansas C. Calhoun
